Legends Club

Klubi i Legjendave

Përshëndetje për të gjithë komunitetin.

Shpresojmë se të gjithë ju dhe familjarët e juaj jeni mirë dhe se së bashku do t’ia dalim sa më qetë dhe pa panik nga kjo situatë globale që na ka kapluar nga Pandemia Coronavirus.

Stafi i BAKC ka vendosur që Klubi I Legjendave të vazhdoj online në platformën WhatsApp çdo të Premte, sa për fillim nga ora 12pm -13pm.

Ftojme të na bashkohen të gjitha anëtarët e grupit, si dhe të interesuar të tjerë. Të interesuarit e tjerë ju lutemi na dërgoni mesazh dhe ne do t’ju kontaktojmë.

Çdo jave do të shoqërohemi, të jemi së bashku dhe të shtjellojmë tema të ndryshme të gjendjes aktuale. Ejani në grupin tonë, ndani disa momente me bashkëmoshatarët tuaj, ju mirëpresim! Edhe pse larg njëri tjetrit do të mundsojmë që përmes telefonit në WattsApp të jemi shumë afër.

Çdo të Premte prej orë 12pm-13pm duke filluar me 27/03/2020.
Nëse dëshironi të jeni pjesë e grupit na kontaktoni me detalet e juaja.

Ju mirëpresim



Legends Club

Greetings to the whole community.

We hope all of you and your families are well, and that together we will overcome this global Coronavirus Pandemic, cautious and without panic.

BAKC staff has decided that the Legends Club will continue online on the WhatsApp platform every Friday, starting from 12pm – 1pm.

We invite all members of the group to join us, as well as other interested parties. Anyone interested please send us a message and we will contact you.

Each week we will socialize, join together and discuss different topics of the current situation. Join our group, share some moments with your peers, we welcome you! Although far from each other we will be able to be very close by phone on WattsApp.

Every Friday from 12 pm-13pm starting 27/03/2020. If you would like to be part of the group contact us with your details.

Everybody is welcome


Albanian Week in the UK


BAKC as part of the consortium with all other community organisations, Kosovan and Albanian  Embassies and a handful of individuals helped bring together the whole community to celebrate National November festivities.

The Sunday event started with rising of the National Flag by The Mayer of Brent and the Albanian Ambassador to UK followed by a photographic exhibition and finally the Gala Event.

BAKC and Kosovan Embassy in London

It was great to meet again with the official from Kosovo Embassy in London, Mr Imer BERISHA, Counsellor, (LLM Hon). At the meeting, BAKC team informed Mr Berisha about past and current projects. Also, when discussing possible future projects Mr Berisha once again stressed the commitment of Kosovan embassy to serving the community and willingness to working jointly with BAKC.

BAKC’s interview with Jimi Tihofsi, producer and scriptwriter of the film “Kesulat”

– How old were you when you first arrived to UK?

# I was in my twenties.

– What were some of the difficulties you encountered when you first arrived in UK?

# There were many: Financial, Work, Studying, not being able to travel back home, not being able to communicate with my family. Not speaking the language not being able to cope will life, and make new friends. Feeling homesick all the time, etc!

– How did you overcome these difficulties, did you get any help, if so from whom?

# No, unfortunately, I didn’t get much help. I felt so isolated, it was terrible, I still feel that pain. But I still carried on and finished my education.

– How would you describe the Kosovan community in the UK at the time, worries and concerns about families back in Kosova, ability to settle in the UK, their hopes for the future etc?

# Well, at the time the political situation in Kosova, was in everybody’s mind. The fact that I was studying I didn’t have much time to socialize with others, which made it even harder for me. Our hope was to be free soon.

– How did you come to contact with BAKC and in what capacity did you get involved with the organization?

# I was working for Waltham Forest Social Services in Leyton, at the time as a youth worker. BAKC had a project there so I got to meet Caroline Blake and other staff, they saw me working with young people, and the rest is history as they say!!!

– What were BAKC projects at the time and how would you value the service that BAKC was providing for the community?

# If I can remember it correctly one of their activities was football, and bringing the young people together to socialize as well by offering other activities as well such as cooking etc.

– When and how did the idea about the film come about?

# I always wanted to contribute for my culture. Since I was studying drama it was obvious that I will do something that had to do with our struggle. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to write about the war, but as it happened, then the war influenced me that way.

– I am sure that there were many but please list some of the difficulties in completing your film project?

# Funding was the main difficulty! But also it is incredible how little encouragement and support you get from people in Kosova.Jimmi Tohovsi

– Besides documenting some of the occurrences and suffering during the war what is the message that you wanted to put across through the film?

# I tried to ease the pain of the people by not focusing only how bad the Serbs were but to show that there were good ones as well. Some that had some human feelings towards Albanians as well.

– Name some of the venues where the film has been shown so far?

#ABC Prishtina, DOKU-KINO Prizren, “Avdush Hasani” cinema in Podujeva, Mitrovica. Currently being shown in Peja and all the Kosovan cities are to follow.

– How has the reception been by audiences?

# They love the production as a whole. Obviously, for some people, it is difficult to relax for a moment and try to enjoy the film, and see the film for what it is. But I understand them, as they still carry so much pain in them from the horrors of the war.

– Is there going to be more screenings in London and elsewhere in the UK?


On the 17/Dec at 13:00, at Tricycle Cinema in Kilburn.

Please feel free to recommend to anyone who would be interested to see it.

– Is there going to be a “Kesulat 2”

# No. I don’t think this story would work like that. But there will be more projects to follow.

– What are your future plans for filmmaking in general?

# I am working on ideas with Kosova being the focal point. I am not so sure that I will be doing them in the Albanian language though. Not viable financially.

Is there anything that you would like to add?

# I would like to thank BAKC, for my time with them. I congratulate you on such great work that you have been doing for over a decade. I wish you the best.


Thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk to you.


– Jimi we wish the best with future plans and everything else.

BAKC is recruiting for a Development Worker

Following a Big Lottery three year development grant to the organization, we are recruiting for a Development Worker. We welcome job share applications. The deadline for completed applications is the 27th September 2017, and the interviews will be on Friday 29th September. If you are interested, please write to Caroline ffrench Blake at caroline@bakc.org.uk for the application form. All applications to be made online.

Job Description


Development Worker (job share applications welcomed)

The aim of the post is to implement our new development project ‘2020 Vision’


Essential for this post:

Extensive knowledge of the Albanian speaking community in London, and experience of working closely with it.

Knowledge and experience of working in project development.



The organisation is currently located in offices near to Swiss Cottage Underground Station, but will be moving into Islington or another central London location as soon as premises can be found.


The Role of the Organisation

The organisation was established in 1998 as Albanian Youth Action. In 2006 it entered a new phase as British Albanian Kosovar Council.

The organisation is committed to delivering the following services:


  1. Support to refugee families and delivery of targeted family support projects
  2. Youth work including sport, arts and cultural projects in schools



The post is funded by the Big Lottery until October 2020. The post has a salary of £33,477 per annum. If a job share is arranged the salary will be split between the two post holders.


Management Responsibility

The Development Worker will be part of a small staff team and will be responsible to the CEO.


Principal Duties

  1. To develop the Organisation, and programs in response to identified needs within a strategic approach over a three year period.
  2. Develop and run a variety of youth programmes.
  3. To follow sound systems for the smooth running of the organisation including internal and external policies such as : Child Protection, Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities, sessional staff and volunteer supervision and support.
  4. Recruit, co-ordinate and support volunteers.
  5. To manage systems to ensure the smooth running of the office, and work with the finance officer to manage invoices and receipts.
  6. To liaise with the CEO to arrange regular office events such as Management Committee meetings, away days etc.
  7. To hold and attend regular planning and development meetings.
  8. recruiting, supporting and managing sessional staff.
  9. To develop and maintain a database of the community.


  1. To be responsible for updating information on the website and Facebook as necessary.
  2. To produce information and other materials through word-processing or desktop publishing.
  3. To deal with enquiries and correspondence.
  4. To follow established systems of monitoring and evaluation on a regular basis.


IT and Equipment Maintenance

  1. To liaise with external IT support staff.
  2. To maintain an up-to-date inventory of office equipment, software and licences.
  3. To maintain all stationery supplies and equipment as necessary.





Person Specification





  1. Fluent written and spoken Albanian and English
  2. Experience of working in a caring profession
  3. Excellent computer literacy and knowledge of word processing, desktop publishing, databases and spreadsheets
  4. Excellent organisational skills
  5. Ability to manage a demanding work schedule
  6. Flexible approach and willingness to work some evenings and weekends
  7. Capable of maintaining confidential information
  8. Familiarity and sympathy with the problems of refugee and asylum seekong communities in the UK
  9. Commitment to equal opportunities
  10. Willingness to undertake training, and an enhanced DBS check
  11. Experience of recruiting and supervising sessional staff and volunteers
  12. Commitment to working in the voluntary sector
  13. Extensive knowledge of the Albanian speaking community in London, and experience of working closely with it
  1. Knowledge and experience of working in project development
  2. Knowledge and experience of community research
  3. Knowledge and experience of the media eg radio, film etc